Saturday, October 25, 2008

The real problem is WHITE PRIVILEGE

I've come to believe that the real problem isn't racism... it's white privilege.

To get an idea of what I am talking about, check out this vlog (what a dumb word) from Penn "Apparently I'm not as cool as you thought" Gillette.

OK... It must be easy to explain that things aren't as bad a we "the dummies" think they are as you sit in your rich man's compound in the middle of the desert. Don't believe me? Check this out. You don't have to read the whole thing. You'll get the gist...

USA Today Article on Penn's House

When you sit in your rich man's palace, railing against the confused proletariat who believe that the powers that be do not have their best interests at heart, while you stroke your stringy hair like a mid-eighties-Timothy Dalton's James Bond villain, you are study in how white privilege crosses all lines, except for color.

Penn's greatest trick was making us all believe that he was cool. I never thought I would see a magician fall off more than David Blaine. Penn has somehow made this guy look better...

1 comment:

Sean Craven said...

I've enjoyed a lot of stuff that Penn & Teller have done but I realized that they have a totally different view of reality when I saw an episode of Bullshit! dealing with environmentalism.

Who goes to the Cato institute for information on ecology? That's like going to the Discovery Institute for information on evolution. You know what they're going to say ahead of time if you know their agenda.

A particular highlight was when they declared that some infinitesimal fraction of the species on Earth were actually in danger of extinction so what's the big deal?

If they had any idea how many species of, say, beetles or nematodes there were on record they might understand how many species that seemingly tiny percentage represents -- and if they had any understanding of ecology they'd know how many of those species are the cool animals. Guess they don't like rhinos or big cats or native Hawaiian birds or...

I particularly liked the part in the clip where he said that almost all his friends were atheist libertarians and that he'd vote for Obama in a heartbeat if his peripheral Democrat friends weren't such creeps...

He didn't even quote any actually insulting statements that his creepy Democrat pals had made, only their reactions -- didn't you love that look of oh-my-fallen-people he had when he repeated the vomit/Toronto comments? That sad little shake of his head...

Of course their negative reactions to McCain/Palin (whose name also registers as a misspelling) were signs of the low hatefulness of Democrats while his comments about them were due to his high-mindedness.

Some decision making process you got there, buddy. Poor dude seems to be a fistful of Mormons and a pair of Kleenex box shoes away from being Howard Hughes.