Wednesday, June 4, 2008

And now a word on Barack Obama from Cornell West...

I think that Cornell West saying that he hates white supremacy is one of the most awesomely redundant things that I think ever heard in my life.


Dean said...

rewatched Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions the other day and still cannot figure out the Wachowski Brothers/Cornel West connection...

Kamau said...

Ummm... WHy on Earth would you REWATCH those movies. They are like Worse and Worser. (to borrow a phrase from Keith Olbermann and parody the title of an early Jim Carrey movie)

Dean said...

Ummm... yeah, wanted to see if they were as disappointing as I remembered... they were

lady griot said...

Once upon a time I deeply admired Cornel West, but the longer he hangs out with Tavis Smiley, the less erudite and more didactic he becomes. I was active in the sixties and know that many things have changed since then. While the Tavis Smiley Group takes full advantage of these changes, they continue to spout the rhetoric of that long-ago time. I suppose that on some level they serve a useful purpose, but I find their harangues tiresome.