Wednesday, February 20, 2008

THIS GUY for President!

Have you seen this footage? It literally rocked my socks off.

Seriously, I'm not wearing socks anymore. And the people in the coffee shop are PISSED.

The interviewer CLEARLY is trying to play the uninformed Negro card, but this dude is having NONE of that. Enjoy...

Here's more from this dude...

So I nominate Derrick for President!

Oops, I can't. He's an immigrant. To paraphrase my friend and fellow comic Jim Short, "Thanks a lot, LAND OF OPPORTUNITY!"

1 comment:

Dean said...

HAHA! Saw a young brother in a baseball cap and expected either ignorance or rote liberalspeak... but got DERRICK SERVED instead!

OK, so amend the Constitution and have this kid run in about 15 years (sorry, Ahnold, you too old)...